
Rules & Regulations

Memorandum of Association

The Name of the Society shall be ‘INDIAN STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING SOCIETY (ISHMS)’ which shall be registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 as Applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi and the rules framed thereunder.

The Registered office of the Society shall be situated at D-108 JEEVAN NIKETAN LIC COLONY PASCHIM VIHAR (District: West Delhi) NEW DELHI-110087.
Area of Operation: The area of operation of the Society shall be the whole of India.

The Main Aims and objects for which the Society is established are as under:–
(a) To act as catalyst for development and implementation of structural health monitoring (SHM) and related futuristic multi-disciplinary technologies including (but not limited to) energy harvesting, smart materials, advanced sensing technologies and bio-medical structural health monitoring.
(b) To form an ecosystem where industry, academia government bodies, students and all other stakeholders can coverage and collaborate.
(c) To promote awareness, capacity building, advancement of the knowledge and skills and real-life practice of SHM and related technologies in India.
(d) To promote dissemination n of the state-of-the art in the field of SHM by arranging seminars, conferences, continuing education courses and publication of books, journals, proceedings, newsletters etc.
(e) To represent SHM profession within India and abroad.
(f) To conduct, promote and sponsor research in the field of SHM and related technologies in India.
(g) To undertake other lawful activities and acquire grants and assets as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives or any of them and to and to dispose of them in any manner deemed fit.
(h) The ‘INDIAN STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING SOCIETY (ISHMS)’ is a non-profit making body. No part of its income shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, profits or losses in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the society or to any one or more of the present or the past members and all the activities shall be non-profitable and shall be done on “No Profit No Loss “basis.
(i) ‘INDIAN STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING SOCIETY (ISHMS)’ will not execute in any financial project like housing projects etc.
(j) ‘INDIAN STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING SOCIETY (ISHMS)’ will take care & invest its money and funds according to the section- 11(5) of the income tax act, 1960 only.

All the incomes, earnings, and movable or immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the memorandum of association and no profit thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or past members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profits whatsoever by virtue of membership.

Member(s) of the Governing Body shall be chargeable only for money and securities actually received by him not withstanding his signing any receipt for the sake of conformity and shall be answerable and accountable only for his own acts, receipts, neglects, or defaults and not for those of any other Member(s), nor for any banker, broker, or other person with whom any Society money or securities may be deposited, nor for the insufficiency or deficiency of any securities or assets, nor for any other loss, unless the same happens through his own willful neglect or default.

6. No individual Member shall be liable for any legal claims or financial loss to the Society, arising by reason of any act (s) done in good faith or for improper investment made in good faith or for the negligence or fraud of an agent employed by him even though the employment of such agent was not strictly necessary or expedient, or by reason of any mistake or omission made in good faith by any Member or by reason of any other matter or thing, except willful and individual fraud or wrong doing or neglect on the part of the Member sought to be made liable.

The names, address, occupations and designation of the present members of the GOVERNING BODY to whom the management of the Society is entrusted as required under section 2 of the Societies Registration Act of 1860 as Applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi and shall be the whole of India, are as follows: -
a. STRENGTH:- Strength of Governing Body (including office bearers and executive member) not be less than 7 and not more than 12.
b. TERM:- Term of every Governing Body shall be TWO YEARS.
c. NOTICE:- Minimum 7 days notice shall be required for every Governing Body Meeting of the society but urgent Governing Body meetings can be called by 24 hour notice.
d. QUORUM:- Quorum of every Governing Body Meeting shall be 50% of the total strength of Governing Body (including office bearers and executive member of society).
e. MEETING:- Governing Body Meeting shall be held as and when the Governing Body of the society may decide from time to time.
f. URGENT MEETING:- The Urgent Governing Body may be called at 24 hour notice but the quorum for the urgent Governing Body Meeting shall be 50% of the total strength of the Governing Body of the Society.

(a) Constitution of General Body.
All the members of the Society shall constitute the ‘GENERAL BODY’ of the Society.
(b) Meetings:
(i) The meetings of the General Body shall be held at least once every three months. whenever he/she thinks it necessary to do so, by giving not less than 15 days’ clear notice and indicating the purpose of the meeting.
(ii) The emergency meeting of the General Body may be held at any time as desired by the Governing body convened by the President included in the notice of the meeting shall be conducted.
(c) Venue of Meetings:
The time, date and place of meeting shall be decided by the Governing Body and shall be notified to all members on roll of the Society with not less than 15 days clear notice, and the emergency meeting may be summoned with a 3-day notice.
(d) Quorum:
The quorum of the General Body meetings shall be 2/3rd of the members on a roll of the Society.
In the absence of the requisite quorum in any meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for the number of days as decided by the present members in the meeting and no quorum shall be required in the meeting reconvened after adjournment. However, the meeting cannot be adjourned beyond 7 days.
(e) Business to be Transacted:
The following business may be transacted in the General Body meetings as put forth by the Governing Body.
(i) To elect the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and executive members of the Governing Body.
(ii) To approve annual programs and policies of the society by the General body.
(iii) To pass the annual budget of the SOCIETY.
(iv) To discuss and decide all other matters, things and issues which are directly and/or indirectly relates to the affairs of the society by the general body.



Rules and Regulations

In these byelaws, unless the context otherwise requires, following definitions/ acronyms shall be used:
1.1 Society. means the Indian Structural Health Monitoring Society (ISHMS) registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
1.2 General Body (GB). means all Fellows, Members, Associate Members and Student Members of the Society.
1.3 Governing Council (GC). means the Governing Council of the Society constituted under these Bye-laws.
1.4 President means President of the Society duly elected under these Bye-laws.
1.5 Vice President (VP) means Vice President of the Society duly elected under these Bye-laws.
1.6 General Secretary (GS) means the General Secretary of the Society duly elected under these Bye-laws.
1.7 Financial Secretary (FS) means the Financial Secretary of the Society duly elected under these Bye-laws.
1.8 Program Coordinator (PC) means the program Coordinator of the society duly appointed under these Bye-laws.
1.9 Media Coordinator (MC) means the Media Coordinator of the society duly appointed under these Bye-laws.
1.10 Fellow means a Fellow of the Society duly elected under these Bye-laws.
1.11 Member means a Member of the Society duly admitted under these Bye-laws.
1.12 Associate Member means a Associate Member of the Society duly admitted under these Bye-laws.
1.13 Student Member means a Student Member of the Society duly admitted under these Bye-laws.
1.14 Electoral College (EC) Means the Electoral College of the society duly admitted under these Bye-laws.
1.15 Chapter Means a chapter of the society opened to look after the interests of the society in a certain geographical region a specific institute.
1.16 Chapter Coordinator Means the Chapter Coordinator of the society duly admitted under these Bye-laws.

The name of the Society shall be Indian Structural Health Monitoring Society (ISHMS).

3.1. Membership of the Society is open to any person (irrespective of nationality) who has attained the requisite eligibility in the terms of age, the professional qualifications and the experience specified herein.
3.2. Grades of Membership
There shall be four grades of membership in the Society, termed respectively

3.2.1 Fellow
Fellow of the Society shall be elected as such on fulfilment of the following requirements:
(1) Age not less than 35 years;
(2) Engaged in the field of SHM or related domains covered in Aims and objects;
(3) Possess a Ph. D. degree in engineering/science discipline recognized by AICTE/UGC and/or accepted by the Governing Council as equivalent qualification;
(4) Has industrial experience of at least 10 years of which at least 05 years in the field of SHM-related fields or a minimum of 10 years in teaching / R&D of which at least 05 years in the field of SHM/ related fields in recognized technical educational/research institutions. Combined experience of above duration in industry and teaching/ R&D is also acceptable. Experience gained during Ph. D. and M.Tech. Project shall also be considered as R&D Experience.
(5) Has acquired considerable recognition as a SHM expert.
The GC may invite distinguished and eminent persons, who have rendered, or who may be in a position to render, to SHM or related fields or to the Society such services as, in the opinion of the Governing Council (GC), entitle them to become Honorary/Invited Fellows, irrespective of degree qualifications. Such Honorary Fellows shall not be required to pay any Member/Subscription Fee.

3.2.2 Member
Member of the Society shall be admitted as such on fulfilment of the following requirements:
1. Age not less than 25 years.
2. Engaged in the profession of SHM or is serving as Associate Member of ISHMS.
3. Posses a degree in engineering recognized by AICTE and accepted by the Governing Council (GC), as equivalent qualification.
4. Has experience of not less than 03 years of which at least 01 year shall be in the field of SHM (or Associate Member of ISHM for 01 year) or a minimum of 03 years in teaching / R&D work in SHM in recognized technical educational/research institutions. Experience gained during Ph. D. or M. Tech Project shall also be considered as R&D Experience.

3.2.2 Associate Member
Associate Member of the Society shall be elected as such on fulfilment of the following requirements.
1. Age not less than 22 years;
2. Engaged in the any engineering profession relevant to SHM;
3. Posses a degree in engineering recognized by AICTE and accepted by the Governing Council as equivalent qualification;

3.2.3 Student Member
Student Member of the Society shall be admitted as such on fulfilment of the following requirements:
1. Age not less than 18 years.
2. Must be a student of an engineering degree course (B. Tech., M.Tech./ Ph. D.) recognized by AICTE. Since several professionals do M.Tech./ Ph.D on part time basis or after gaining experience, students are free to opt for Association Member or Members subject to eligibility and payment of requisite fee.

3.2.4 Life Members
All eligible Members may opt for Life Membership of respective grade

4.1 Approval
Fellows shall be elected by GC and Members/ Associate Members shall be admitted based on the minimal eligibility criteria outlined in Section 3 subject to the approval of GC as outlined in Section 4.5. No person shall be elected/ admitted to membership in any grade unless his/her application has been approved by the Governing Council (GC) as hereinafter provided. The GC alone shall have the power to decide conclusively regarding each person seeking election/ admission to any grade of membership of the Society whether he/she has or has not fulfilled the requirements applicable to his/her case.
4.2 Application for Membership
Every candidate for election/ admission to any grade of membership, shall fill in and sign the appropriate application form prescribed by the Governing Council and containing a declaration that he/she has read the Bye-laws & the Code of Ethics/Conduct and shall abide by these.
4.3 Supporters
Every form of application shall be supported by requisite number of Corporate Members of the Society as specified below:
Application For Supporters.
Fellow…………………….….2 Fellows of the Society.
Member………………….......1 Fellow of the Society.
Associate Member…………1 Member of the Society.
Student Member.……………Bonafide Student Certificate from University/Institute’s authorised Official.

4.4 Each application shall be accompanied by requisite Processing fees. Admission fee and annual subscription shall be payable on approval of membership by GC.

4.5 Processing of Applications:
1. Completed application forms shall be scrutinized by the committee appointed by the GC and placed before the GC with appropriate recommendations.
2. The GC may approve or keep pending any application for making further enquiries/ information.
3. The GC may not approve a candidate whom they consider undesirable without assigning any reason or explanation.
4. The GC may require any candidate to attend an interview and/or written test in order to better satisfy themselves that he/she possesses the requisite qualifications and experience, if deemed necessary
5. A candidate whose application is duly approved by the Governing Council shall be admitted as a Fellow, Member, Associate Member or Student Member, as the case may be, on payment of such the prescribed Fee.
6. No fee is applicable for following categories: Honorary Fellows, Founding Members and office bearers, namely the President, Vice President, General Secretary and the Financial Secretary

5.1 Members shall have all the rights and privileges as specified herein.
5.2 Members shall use the following, and no other, designatory letters to indicate their belonging to Society
Associate Member….AMISHMS
Student Members….SMISHMS

5.3 Every Fellow/ Member/ Associate Member/ Student Member who has been elected/ admitted as such and has paid all fees, subscriptions, and dues payable by him/her shall be entitled to receive a Membership Certificate for the current year duly signed by the President and the General Secretary of the Society and shall be entitled to participate in meetings, functions and other lawful gatherings called/arranged by the society.

6.1 All Members shall:
1. Promote the cause of the Society.
2. Actively provide the necessary information to the Society pertaining to any matter which is necessary to be known by the Society.
3. Aid the Society in organizing conferences, seminars, continuing education programs etc.
4. Update on any special/ distinguished SHM related activity undertaken by them or any distinguished award received by them.
5. Keep updated on the latest advancements in the profession.
6. Attend/organize conferences/technical lectures discussions.
7. Do not indulge in activities which are prejudicial to the Aims & Objectives, Rules & Regulations and/or Code of Ethics of the Society.

All Members of the Society (except Honorary Fellows, founding members and office bearers, namely the President, Vice President, General Secretary and the Financial Secretary) shall pay the application fee and the annual subscription fee as decided by the GC from time to time.
1. The quantum of Annual Subscription for Fellows, Members, Associate Members and Student Members shall be as decided by the GC from time to time and included in the guidelines for Filling up Forms.
2. Annual subscriptions shall be payable in full on 1st January every year and must be paid in advance. Full annual fee shall be payable irrespective of the date of joining in a particular calendar year.
3. Any Fellow/ Member/ Associate Member/ Student Member in arrears of subscription for more than three months shall not be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Society and without further notice and shall cease to be a Member.
4. Student Members shall be exempt from paying application Fee but shall be required to pay the annual subscription fee for the membership period as decided by GC from time to time.
5. Transfer Fee shall be payable with application for transfer from Member to Fellow, or from Associate Member to Member or Student Member to Associate Member.
6. Fellows, Members and Associate Members grade may compound their subscription for life based on the fee decided by the GC from time to time. Life Members shall be exempted from paying transfer fee while moving to higher rung of ladder.
7. GC has the authority to fix and revise the amount of the application fee, annual subscription and transfer fee payable as they may consider fit from time to time. The fees such fixed will be communicated to members through circular notification. Fees payable by new applicants will be indicated in ‘Guidelines’ attached to Membership Application Form.

8.1 Non-payment of Annual Subscription
Refer Section 7.
8.2 Death
Upon the Governing Council being satisfied of the death of a member, his/her name shall be deleted from the register of members of the Society.
8.3 Resignation
8.3.1 A Member may at any time resign from the membership of the Society by delivering a notice in writing, accompanied by his/her certificate of membership, to the Society.
8.3.2 A Member who is under any financial liability to the Society shall have to clear all dues to the Society prior to submitting his/ her resignation
8.4 Non-Compliance and Misconduct
The GC may terminate membership of any member of the Society or require his/her resignation, upon being satisfied that he/she has wilfully acted in contravention of the set by the Bye-laws, and is therefore unfit to belong to the Society.

Any member whose name has been removed from the membership of the Society for non-payment of the subscription may apply for reinstatement. The GC may, at their discretion, allow his/her name to be reinstated subject to his/her clearing all his/her past dues to the Society at current rates of subscription.

(See also Section 8 of Memorandum of Association. In any minor difference, the provision in the Memorandum of Association will prevail)
All grades of members, namely Fellows, Members, Associate Members and Student Members will constitute the General Body of the Society.

11.0 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) The GC shall, in each calendar year, convene an AGM of the Society. All Fellows, Members, Associate Members and Student Members shall be entitled to attend and participate in the proceedings of AGM. The time gap between two consecutive Annual General Meetings shall not be more than 15 months. The business of the AGM shall be to:
1. Present the Annual Report of the Society,
2. Present the Audited Accounts and the Balance Sheet for the preceding year,
3. Announce the names of the President, Office Bearers after elections, in case the elections were held after the previous AGM.
4. Transact any other business the notice of which has been given along with the notice of the AGM.

11.3 Convening AGM
AGM shall be convened by the GC by giving not less than seven days notice specifying the date, the venue and the time for the meeting; meeting may be held in online mode also .
11.4 Proceedings at General Meetings
The President of the Society shall preside at all General Meetings. In the absence of the President, he/ she may nominate one of the Vice-President to be the Chairperson at the meeting.

(See also Section 7 of Memorandum of Association. In any minor difference, the provision in the Memorandum of Association will prevail).
12.1 Governing Council of the Society shall consist of not more than 12 members comprising
1. The President, Vice-President, General Secretary and Financial Secretary
2. Five Fellows
3. Four Members

12.2 Only Fellows and Members of the Society shall be entitled to become members of the GC.
12.3 The President, Vice President and Members of the GC shall hold office as such until the due election and coming into office of their successors in accordance with the Bye-laws of the Society. The tenure of the GC including the office bears shall be two years.
12.4 The business of the Society shall be managed by the GC subject to the provisions of the Memorandum and to the Bye-laws of the Society.
12.5 The business of the GC shall be conducted by the Governing Council in such manner as the Governing Council may prescribe from time to time. All the powers of the Society shall be vested in and exercisable by the GC except so far as the same are, by the Memorandum or by the Societies Registration Act or by the Bye-laws of the Society.
12.6 The founding GC immediately after registration of the Society shall consist of the founding members of the Society only as a special case irrespective of eligibility as a temporary arrangement.

13.1 Elections to the GC shall be held once in two years.
13.2 GC shall be elected for a term of two years.
13.3 Elections to the GC shall be held by secret ballot paper or electronic.
13.4 Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.
13.5 Casual vacancies in the GC by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by co-option for the remaining term of the GC.
13.5 Election Procedure: The Electoral College shall comprise of the current GC and all Fellows and Members of the Society. Associate Members and Student Members shall not be part of the Electoral College. The President shall call a meeting of the Electoral College in online/ in-person mode. Governing Council shall appoint an Election Officer of the rank of a Fellow to conduct elections for the Governing Council members as prescribed in the Bye-laws. Each candidate shall in need to be nominated by one Fellow/ Member. In general elections shall be held by secret ballot. Voting by email or any electronic means shall also be admissible. In case of nomination of one person only for a post, voting may not be required. After the elections of the GC is complete, the Election Officer shall submit a list of newly elected Governing Council members to the incumbent President.
13.4 The new GC and office bearers shall take over as soon as the term of the previously elected GC expires. Till now office bearers take over, the earlier team shall only serve in care taker/ interim capacity Names of the newly elected Governing Council members and Office Bearers shall be announced in the AGM.

14.1 GC shall be responsible for the management and administration of all affairs of the Society including appointment of office bearers to look after any particular activity and for this purpose they should meet at least once in three months.
14.2 All the decisions shall be taken by the consensus. In exceptional situation not arriving at consensus, decisions may be arrived at by voting.
14.3 GC shall have the powers as the powers of the Society mentioned in the Memorandum, the Bye-laws, the Rules and Regulations;
14.4 GC shall have the powers to prepare plans, projects and programmes and appoint Election Officer.
14.5 GC may appoint secretarial and support staff if required.

15.1 GC members are required to attend GC meetings regularly.
15.2 Active participation in proceedings of the GC meetings.
15.3 Perform any task specifically entrusted to the member by the GC in furthering the cause of ISHMS.
15.4 Attend meetings of Special (Sub) Committees in which GC Members accept participation.
15.5 Appoint auditors for auditing accounts of the Society.
15.5 Quorum at GC Meetings
No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless there is a quorum when the meeting proceeds to business. For all purposes, the quorum shall be 50% of the GC strength. If at the time appointed for the holding of General Meeting, the quorum is not there, the meeting shall be adjourned.
15.6 President
President shall preside over all meetings of the GC and AGM;
At the time of voting on any matter/subject (except election), if the total votes for and against happen to be equal in number, the President has the power to cast an extra vote to decide the matter/subject;
President shall have the power to allow inclusion of any subject/matter in agenda for discussion in the course of proceeding/meeting.

15.6 Vice-President
Vice-President shall have all the powers of the President during his absence.
15.7 General Secretary (GS)
General Secretary will convene and attend the meetings of the Governing Council and the General Body;
General Secretary will prepare the Membership Register;
General Secretary will prepare the Proceedings Register to record the minutes of the proceedings of the General Body meetings and the Governing Council meetings.

15.8 Financial Secretary (FS)
All funds of the Society shall remain under the care and management of the Financial Secretary;
Financial Secretary shall maintain the accounts of all money which is received and/or paid on behalf of the Society;
Financial Secretary shall make disbursements in accordance with the direction of the Governing Council.

16.1 Sources of income of the Society are:
(a) Admission Fee
(b) Annual subscription
(c) Donations/Grants and Special Contributions
(d) Transfer Fee (d) Sponsorship of events
(e) Research grants
(f) Publications
(g) Fees earned by way of conducting seminars, conferences ,courses, discourses, publications etc.

16.2 All the income of the Society shall be utilized only for the promotion and upliftment of the Aims & Objects of the Society.
Financial year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March next year.

18.1 The GC shall monitor books of account to be kept with respect to:
1. The assets and liabilities of the Society;
2. All sums of money received and expended by the Society and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditure take place; and,
3. All sales and purchases by the Society.

18.2 Bank accounts shall be operated by joint signatures of the following:
1. President
2. Financial Secretary

18.3 The books of account shall always be open to inspection by members of the GC.
18.4 The annual accounts of the Society together with the Auditor’s Report Shall be laid before the Governing Body at the Annual General Meeting immediately following the close of the financial year.

19.0 AUDIT
19.1 The accounts of the Society shall be audited by a qualified chartered accountant every year.
19.2 The GC shall appoint Auditors of the Society for the ensuing year and fix the terms and conditions of their appointment.
19.3 In every financial year, the accounts of the Society shall be examined and the correctness of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet ascertained by the Auditors.

Once in every year a list of the office bearers and the GC members shall be filed in the office of the Registrar of Societies as specified under Section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

21.1 The GC may cause to be published an official publication of the Society which, as and when published, shall be sent to each member who is not in arrears of membership subscription, electronically or otherwise, as decided by the GC. The contents and frequency of publication may be specified by the Governing Council.
21.2 The Governing Council may cause to be published an official Member Directory of the Society. The contents and frequency of publication of the Directory shall be specified by the Governing Council.

22.1 The GC. may, if considered expedient, establish Regional Centres of the Society named after a territory, district or town, Institute or University in which it is formed. Student chapters may be established and suitably named in any recognized technical university/institution offering civil/structural engineering degree.
22.2 The GC shall specify the norms for the establishment and running of the Regional Centres and student chapters.
22.3 No Regional Centre or the Student Chapter of the Society shall be formed except by a resolution of the GC.

23.1 A notice may be served by the Society upon any member, either personally or sending it by email or posting a prepaid letter addressed to such member at his/her registered address as appearing in the register of members.
23.2 A minimum two days notice shall be given for GC meeting. A minimum seven days notice shall be given for AGM. Such notice must specify the place, date and time of the meeting which may be online, to every member entitled to receive such notice.
23.3 The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or non-receipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate any resolution passed at the meeting or proceedings of such meeting.

24.1 Each member of the GC and each Fellow/ Member/ Associate Member/ Student Member of the Society shall be accountable in respect of his/her own acts only, and shall not be accountable for any acts done or authorized to which he/she shall not have expressly assented, and no member shall incur any personal liability in respect of any loss or damage incurred through any act done, in good faith for the benefit of the Society, although in excess of his/her legal powers.
24.2 Each member of the Society and its officers shall be indemnified out of the funds and property of the Society from and against all costs, charges, damages and expenses which they or any of them shall sustain by reason of their accepting office or acting in execution of the duties or powers imposed upon or given to them by the Memorandum or Bye-laws of the Society.

The Society shall organize/conduct conferences, seminars, initial and continuing education programmes and confer due accreditation to the participants

26.1 Any amendment in the Memorandum, Bye-laws, Rules & Regulations shall be carried out in conformity with Section 12 & 12A of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to National Capital Territory of Delhi.
26.2 All amendments shall be approved by GC Members of the Society at an AGM.

If the Society needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per provisions laid down under Section 13 & 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

The Society may sue and/or be sued in the name of President as per provisions laid down under Section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi.

All the appeals shall be referred to the GC and decision of the GC shall be final.

Any casual vacancy amongst the Governing body, shall be filled by the resolution passed by the GC. Such appointment(s) shall be confirmed by the General Body in its coming General Body Meeting.

All the provisions under all Sections of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to National Capital Territory of Delhi shall be applicable to the Society.

We undersigned, persons President, General Secretary (Secretary) and Treasurer (Financial Secretary) of the Governing body certify that this is a correct copy of RULES AND REGULATION of Societies Registration Act, 1860 as extended to the National Territory of Delhi.

Prof. SURESH BHALLA             Dr. Naveet Kaur            Er. Sayed Sameer Hasan

  (President)           (Vice President and General Secretary)        (Financial Secretary)